Microstrip Patch Antennas on Tunable Electromagnetic Band - Gap Substrates
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منابع مشابه
Broadband Stacked Microstrip Patch Antenna for L-Band Operation: FDTD Modeling
This paper presents a novel implementation of an electromagnetically coupled patch antenna using air gap filled substrates to achieve the maximum bandwidth. We also propose an efficient modeling technique using the FDTD method which can substantially reduce the simulation cost for modeling the structure. The simulated results have been compared with measurement to show the broadband behavio...
متن کاملMutual Coupling Reduction in Patch Antenna Arrays Using a Planar Compact EBG Structure
An important issue in antenna array design is reduction of mutual coupling. In microstrip antennas this reduction can be achieved by using electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structures. These structures prevent the propagation of surface waves on the substrate of a microstrip antenna array. This paper presents a new configuration of a planar compact electromagnetic bandgap structure to reduce mutua...
متن کاملBand Width and Gain Optimization of a Wide Band Gap Coupled Patch Antenna
Introduction The microstrip patch antennas are widely used in modern communication system due to low profile, low weight, low cost However, the antennas suffered from narrow bandwidth and low gain.[6 The major need for modern communication devices is to operate at wider band such as to support high speed internet, multimedia communication and similarly many more broadband services, this is achi...
متن کاملNhanced G Ain and B Andwidth of P Atch a Ntenna U Sing Ebg S Ubstrates
Microstrip patch antenna becomes very popular day by day because of its ease of analysis and fabrication, low cost, light weight, easy to feed and their attractive radiation characteristics. Although patch antenna has numerous advantages, it has also some drawbacks such as restricted bandwidth, low gain and a potential decrease in radiation pattern. In recent years, attention to use Electromagn...
متن کاملA microstrip patch antenna using novel photonic band - gap structures
Printed antennas exemplified by the microstrip patch antenna offer an attractive solution to compact, conformal and low cost design of modem wireless communications equipment, RF sensors and radar systems. Recent applications have pushed the frequency well into the ram-wave region even in the commercial arena as evidenced by the worldwide race to develop advanced collision warning radar systems...
متن کاملMicro strip Patch Antenna and its Applications: a Survey
The study of microstrip patch antennas has made great progress in recent years. Compared with conventional antennas, microstrip patch antennas have more advantages and better prospects. They are lighter in weight, low volume, low cost, low profile, smaller in dimension and ease of fabrication and conformity. Moreover, the microstrip patch antennas can provide dual and circular polarizations, du...
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